Pack Contents: 1 Pipette for Large Dogs : 20-40kg (44-88lbs)
Step 1: Immediately before use, open the sachet and remove the pipette. The pipette should be held by the base or by the upper rigid portion below the cap in an upright position (tip up) for opening it.The cap should be rotated clockwise or counter clockwise one full turn. The cap will stay on the pipette; it is not possible to remove it. The pipette is open and ready for application when the breaking of the seal is felt.
Step 2:The dog should be standing or lying with its back horizontal during application. Place the pipette tip vertically against the skin between the shoulder blades of the dog.
Step 3:Squeeze the pipette gently and apply the entire contents directly to the dog’s skin in one (when volume is small) or several spots along the dog’s dorsal line from the shoulder to the base of the tail. Avoid the application of more than 1 ml of solution at any one spot as it could cause some of the solution to run or drip off the dog.